Tejas is the second fighter aircraft developed by India, First one is HAL MARUT which is the fighter aircraft in whole Asia who go beyond the TEST PHASE. But after Marut HAL is not able to develop fighter due too many reasons, one is lack of funds and many failures in development of different fighters. With of all good bad times of HAL, Tejas took its first flight in 2001 and it was introduced in AIR-FORCE in 2015 after 14 years of its first flight. It took a lot time in its development.
Tejas is a multi role, single engine, light weight aircraft developed ADA and HAL to replace IAF aging fleet of MIG 21’s. HAL also developed a naval version of Tejas which can Land and Take off from a AIRCRAFT CARRIER. Tejas is the smallest aircraft in its category in the world due to its size its hard for too many radars too catch its presence because due to its small size radars show it like a bird which is ignorable.

India is moving step by step towards becoming an indigenous defence industry. I know some people question this, by seeing the current condition but India started from zero now it stand on 10 slowly slowly it can reach 50-60% of indigenous defence product. India developed Tejas with aaround 60 % of indigenous material like landing gears, flight control,
- Second aircraft developed and designed in INDIA
- Smallest and Lightest 4+ gen. aircraft in world
- It is only aircraft in its class which has its own Naval variant also.
- Based on Delta wing design which increases Maneuverability
- Support air refueling which will increase its range
- Smaller Radar cross section may reduce the Radar detection
Tejas is a single seat, single engine, light wieght, high-agility supersonic fighter aircraft. Tejas can reach its top speed which is 1.4 mach. Tejas presently powered by GE F404, because India is not able to develop its own engine ‘SHAKTI”, but work is on and we can see Indigenous engine in near future.
Tejas has state of art technologies like fly-by-wire Flight Control Sytem, Advanced Digital cockpit, Multi-mode radar, Integrated Digital Avionics system and Flate rated engine, short takeoff and landing, self protection pod based EW jammer, composite material structures and this list goes on. Which makes Tejas a finest combat Aircraft.
Tejas can fire Close combat Air-To-Air missile, Beyond Visual Range, Conventional and Laser-Guided smart bombs, Air-to-Ground missiles. A wide variety of Air to Ground munitions and a extremely accurate navigation and attack allows it to prosecute targets over land or at sea.

Tejas incorporates a highly reliable quadruplex digital fly by wire Flight control system. The new generaton Glass cockpit comprises Multi function Displays {MFD}, Head up Display{HUD} and Stand by Instruementation system driven by Open Architecture Mission and Display Computer. This provides effective Human Machine interface {HMI}. The advanced Utility and health management system provides system health and warnings to the pilot through a open Architecture computer {OAC}.
Tejas is just not a replacement fighter for MIG’s but it is much more then that of .
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