BRAHMOS Mark II is also known as BRAHMOS 2, is a next version of Brahmos Super Cruise Missiles is under development by a joint venture BRAHMOS AEROSPACE PRIVATE ltd. between INDIAN Company DRDO { Defence Research and Development Organisation } with 50.5% stake  and Russian  NPO  MASHINOSTROEYENIA with 49.5% stake. Currently BRAHMOS AEROSPACE manufactures BRAHMOS I with  a range of 300 km and with a travelling speed of  2.8 to 3.0 MACH roughly three time the speed of sound. BRAHMOS I has been described as the fastest missile in the world. BRAHMOS II is expected to have a range of up to 600 km and a speed of Mach 7, this speed is over double that of the current operational version of Brahmos. Brahmos II is expected to undergo its first flight test in 2020 and enter in  into service in 2025.  In 2012, According to Brahmos chief they had carried out series of lab tests at the speed of 6.5 mach. According to some reports in media First prototype of Brahmos hyper sonic missile will be ready by 2024.

After India entry to MTCR in 2016, India And Russia both decided to increase the range of Brahmos which is based upon the Russian P 800 Oniks cruise missiles. Russia has been working on developing a special fuel formula to help the Brahmos II exceed mach 5 speed. Brahmos Aerospace confirmed that Brahmos next generation will be lighter variant with the intensity of kinetic energy. Brahmos extremely difficult to intercept due to their overwhelming speed and maneuvering capabilities.

Brahmos will help India to take advantage in mountain warfare against China and Pakistan. Brahmos is designed to hit targets hidden behind mountain. Its hyper-sonic qualities means the missile would likely to pass through Beijing's defense system like a knife through butter.

But one more thing is interested is that beyond this program Russia also developing its own hyper sonic missile but India is not so far behind. Russia is developing Zircon hyper sonic missile, there are more possibilities that Brahmos will share scram-jet technology with zircon, but according to Sudhir Mishra CEO of Brahmos, Indian Institutions like DRDO are working on new engine propulsion technology which have the capacity to achieve the speed of mach 7. Brahmos II will be launched from different platform like SHIP, LAND with mobile launcher , AIR with SU 30 mki.

The reason why Brahmos cannot intercept are , It is the most modern missile incorporated with various futuristic technology like Artificial Intelligence, Nano technology, Space technology, Fusion technology, Hypersonic Technology. Brahmos can travel as much as close to surface or 5 meter, which makes it hard to be identified in radars and makes it invincible weapon. According to the Brahmos Aerospace, Our enemies cannot develop a technology to intercept Brahmos for next 20 years, by the time DRDO will come come with new technology. China and Pakistan both nervous due to there is no alternative of this weapon in their arsenal.


  1. Boosting before actual auction is media strategy in India ,wait and watch ......Russian have hypersonic missile system declared by their president . more over never ever consider enemies as down power specially China who is fat ahead of India in military power. But always remains optimistic that our leadership like modi remains in power and built India a strong military and economic power.

  2. Mass production of weapons in high volumes is the only way to contain China . India should have few millions of hypersonic missiles with a range of 8000 kms to keep China shut its mouth without warning.

    High volumes of missiles is the best way . Like how Russia made USA keep quiet. Russian missiles are far superior to USA . Though USA has advanced other technologies, they can match Russian missiles and power .


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